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Object Clause of Credit Rating Agency

1. To carry on the business of analysis, rating, evaluation and appraisal of the obligations, dues, debts and commitments, and debentures, bonds, shares, stocks and other securities of all bodies including Government (Central and State), statutory corporations, banking and financial institutions, Government Companies, private sector companies, non-profit organisations, utility companies, co-operative societies and other bodies or associations of persons, whether incorporated or not, in India or abroad, for use by investors, issuers, underwriters, lenders, Government agencies, financial intermediaries, banks, financial and investment institutions, international agencies and research people.

2. To carry on the business of analysts, raters, evaluators and appraisers and the like of the firms, associations, companies, societies, agencies, institutions, non-profit organisations, bankers, insurers, traders, importers, exporters, business houses, trade houses, brokers, underwriters,, whether engaged in business, industrial and commercial pursuits, or otherwise, about their credit-worthiness, financial standing, status, solvency, profitability, growth, prospects, technical, managerial and business competence, capability for technical, financial or techno-financial collaborations in joint ventures in India or abroad, for use by investors, issuers, underwriters, lenders, Government agencies, financial intermediaries, banks, financial and investment institutions, international agencies and research people.

3. To disseminate, supply, furnish, provide, sell, give, send, part with, dispose of, publish, promulgate, proclaim, declare and do all such acts, deeds and activities to make public the information, knowledge, data and details of, or relating to any technical, financial, managerial, commercial, trading, industrial and business enterprise, whether private, public Government or in co-operative or service sectors, banks, financial institutions, non-profit organisations or any association of persons, whether incorporated or not, whether for consideration or otherwise, and whether in India or abroad, for use of business, industry, trade, commerce and investment.

4. To promote, subsidise, or organise and assist in the business of analysis, rating, evaluation, appraisal and diagnosis of economic, financial, commercial, social, managerial and entrepreneurial viability, the technical and techno-economic feasibility of all types of business, trade, commerce, industry and services of all organisations, associations, or parts thereof, either directly or through association with other rating organisations, or other organisations with similar or allied objects, whether in India or abroad.