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Object Clause of Footwear Company

1. To carry on the business of manufacturing, selling, marketing, importing and exporting of foot wears made from leather, rubber, and canvas Rexene, plastic etc. and act as leather merchants and leather dressers & designers. To buy, sell, manufacture, repair, alter, improve, exchange , let out on hire and deal with  all factories, works, plant, machinery, tools, utensils, appliances, apparatus, products, materials, substances, articles and things capable of being used in the production or manufacturing of boots and shoes and other leather and rubber goods, or used in the footwear business which the company is competent to carry on or required by  any customers of or persons having dealing with the Company or commonly dealt in by person engaged in footwear business and to manufacture, experiment with, render marketable and deal in all products or by-products, incidental to or obtain in footwear business carried on  by the company.

2. To own, run, manage, maintain and establish factories for the manufacture of all types of footwear, shoes, sandals, chappals and other items manufactured of leather, artificial leather, rubber, Rexene, canvas or any other allied material, patterns or designs and to carry on the business of Shoes merchants whether in wholesale or in retail.

3. To manufacture, export, sell, purchase, treat, dye, finish and otherwise deal in all types of footwear, shoes, and other accessories, whatsoever made out of leather or other materials.